Long Time No Post! & Writing Update!

Hey Everyone!

So sorry for neglecting posting on here! BUT I wanted to share a quick update…I am WAYYYY behind on where I want to be at on the book (of course lol). Planning took a lot longer than I expected. Once I finished planning, it was difficult to get it all down on paper. That said, things are going well. I’m on chapter 3 out of (gulp) 20+ chapters. Β I am VERY excited about the story itself and I’m very happy about what I’ve wrote so far. So, when it does get done cooking, I think it will be good stuff πŸ™‚ I hope at least.

I’ll probably still be neglectful on here for awhile. So I just wanted to do a quick check in. Other than writing, life has been good this year. We’re getting ready to enter the foster care system as a foster home. Home school is going strong and successful. Life with God is good. I really hope the same for all of you too!

Hope everyone is having a good April! God bless you all. Remember you are SO loved by God. SO SO loved. You are His image bearer and the apple of His eye.



18 thoughts on “Long Time No Post! & Writing Update!

  1. Hey! I was just thinking about you guys the other day. Our small group celebrated Passover which was led by a Jewish friend of my sensei’s. πŸ™‚ Glad to hear you are well. I just took a machete to my first 3 chapters and struggling to find time to re-read it before sending a couple of chapters to an editor, then start sending out proposals. Blessings!

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    1. Hey! That sounds like it was fun!! We celebrated Passover too. We had my parents over and my wife baked a good meal and had a good time celebrating it. My daughter, 7 yo, just got baptized last weekend too (yay!) so it’s been a fun past month for us. Oh no! Sounds like you’ve been busy at work on your book! Gosh, I have just not carved out the time that is needed to get it done. I was talking with God about it the other day and I think I’ll probably ramp up operations on it soon. I think I could still knock out the first draft by end of summer. I think that’s my new goal. I’m gonna let my wife read the first few chapters this weekend and get her take. That’s exciting though that you’re about to start sending out proposals. How’d that contest pan out? Blessings to you and your family too!

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      1. Awesome! So exciting to have your kids take that step! Honestly, I only had time to do the hacking and mangling of the chapters because my one homeschooler had two days of testing – which meant 2.5 uninterrupted hours for me to work. That was last week, and I haven’t touched it since. I’m trying to figure out how to carve out the time I’ll need, too. I may have to actually leave the house over the summer to work. πŸ˜‰ Good idea on letting your wife read them. She will probably spot things you have missed because the story is likely more complete in your mind. Hope you can get it done! Oh – on the contest, I won’t know for months yet.

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      2. Things just keep coming up on my end. Like last night, I was going to get a good couple hours in on it and then my wife asked if I could help clean the closet. Hey, when she bats her eyes at me and asks me to do something, I’m not saying no! Haha! So didn’t get any work done last night. I hoping to get some done tonight instead. I really need a good several uninterrupted hours to make some good head way. I need to accept the fact that I’m going to lose a bunch of sleep, but that it’s the only way to finish this thing. Thank you for the encouragement! Hope you get yours edited quickly and out in the mail fast! I hear you though…if I could take a few days and just go out to like a lake house or a cabin in the mountains, I could finish this thing fast.

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      3. I hear you, brother! But this family time is so precious and important. Even working together is so good – maybe as good as playing together, I think. I’m actually working right beside my man now! πŸ™‚

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      1. You’re probably not having much time to read other people’s blogs πŸ˜‰
        I’ll look forward to a signed copy of your book πŸ˜‰


  2. I’m in the process of publishing a book as well! It’s a children’s book, so the writing didn’t take terribly long. It’s in the illustration phase right now, and it seems like that’s going to be the part that takes the longest amount of time. I haven’t been given that particular gift, so I’m working with someone else. I’ve only seen one illustration thus far, but it’s so cool to see a visual representation from someone else’s point of view! I hope you’re having fun with your project. Please, let me know when it’s finished! πŸ™‚

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    1. Hey Angela!! That’s so exciting to hear! Yes I will do that and please let me know when yours is done also πŸ™‚ I’m making progress, I’m very happy with it. I have taken a brief reprieve, we just started fostering and it has sapped up all of my extra time. I’m hoping to get back in the race with the book soon though.


    1. Hey Sarah! Hope you are doing well! I’ve gotten off WordPress for awhile. I felt earlier this year like God wants me elsewhere than blogging right now. (I still respond to comments, but I’m not posting much these days). Honestly, it was pretty difficult to give it up to God. But I feel that I need to be obedient. I might post an update some time down the road if He’s good with it.

      Other than that, things are good! We recently became foster parents. So I have 5 kids in my house nowadays haha! I’m super busy. I stopped writing my book too because I just have no time any more. But things are going fantastic with Jesus.

      How about you? How are you doing? God bless! πŸ™‚

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      1. 5 kids! That’s great news Joel. Yes, it’s great to discern and to obey. You must be super busy. I am great too. WIll be done with my undergraduate on December so looking forward to that. Yes. Jesus is everything. Will miss your insight. Hugs

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      2. Hey that’s so great to hear!! Awesome. That’s a great accomplishment Sarah. What’s next on your horizon after undergrad? Are you going into a position with a company or going to grad school? Will miss your thoughts as well πŸ™‚ Bless you sister

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      3. Sounds great. Look forward to hearing how it goes, whether that’s this side of Heaven or in the Father’s house one day. Bless you in all that you do!

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